Thank you so much! Sockapalooza pal Kalista!
I absolutly love them!
They are so beautiful!
The yarn is gorgeous!
Really soft!
And the color!
I think they are going to be my new favoritesocks.
The socks are knitted by Kalista. She lives in Seattle, USA.
What a woman!
She has also handspun the yarn, both the sockyarn and the green skein.
The sockyarn is superwash merino wool, dyed in the "I Got You Babe" colorway, from Crown Mountain Farms.
The green yarn is handspun Targhee wool.

Thank you again Kalista! You have made me very happy!

They fit really perfect!
Oh hooray, I'm very glad they fit and that you like them!
It was so much fun knitting them for you, and now I'm going to spin some more yarn and make myself a pair too.
I would knit them while I was at lunch at my office, and so everyone I work with got familiar with the "Swedish socks" - they all said goodbye before I put everything in the package to send away.
It's cool to see them in their new home!
De är helt underbara, förstår att du bara ville gråta glädjetårar när du fick dem.
Vilket jobb hon lagt ner på dem och att hon fick det spunna garnet så tunt att hon kunde göra det tvåtrådigt dessutom.
Kram på er alla
Vilka fina strumpor du fick! Jag väntar fortfarande på mina Sockapalooza-strumpor, min byteskompis skadade handen och kunde inte sticka, så jag ska ha fått en ersättare som är i full gång nu.
Det fanns inget mer garn! Hur gör man nu?
Ett ljuvligt paket med fantastiska saker.Lyckans ost.
Njut av ledigheten och håll dig varm om fötterna
vilka underbara sockar!